Lohengrin 2012
Pen and ink, wash
16.5 x 11.7 inches.
"There the swan approaches, because "already sends the grail after the defaulting" – a rare case of early medieval real-time communication. If Elsa had kept her mouth shut for only one year, her brother, believed dead, would have returned in the shape of the swan. For the sorceress Ortrud had transformed him into this shape, and the Grail had taken him into service to save him. Ortrud thought she had already reached the goal of her revenge, when Lohengrin sinks down in prayer – and presents the Brabant people with their new – yes, again! – "leader". That with Gottfried divine peace returns to Brabant, however, may justifiably be doubted. Contrary to what might be expected – and to be expected of Wagner without any problems – the final chorus for once does not end with "Heil! The last words of Lohengrin, they are "Ach!" and "Weh!".
(From: "The small Wagnerian", Enrik Lauer and Regine Müller, C.H. Beck Verlag)